How Masks Became the Fashion Accessory Go To?”

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Did you know…
“The earliest recorded face mask-like objects in history date to the 6th century BC. Some images of people wearing cloth over their mouths were found on the doors of Persian tombs. … In the 16th century, French doctor Charles de Lorme invented the beak mask.” Source: Global Times

Today, masks are worn to keep Covid-19 out! “Fashion always finds a way. Human beings are undaunted in their search for ways to stand out, to communicate, to thrive in a treacherous environment. And so the face mask — once purely functional”, has evolved into both, fashion and functionality. Men, women, and children are expressing themselves. After all, we are individuals, right? We are being  safe, as well as wearing our masks as a fashion statement. In the “it’s all about me” culture, masks in the Coronavirus Age, has once again become the fashion accessory “go to”. And here at, we got you covered, from top designer and celebrity inspired masks, along with other accessories to add to your closet, we’ll keep you in style everyday of the year! Take a look at our collection of masks….Shop Now

Robin Givhan—Washington Post